Studio 1

1220 x 1220 x 2400
Studio 2

2430 x 1220 x 2400
Studio 4

2430 x 2430 x 2400
Studio 6

2460 x 3640 x 2400
Special edition

Sizes upon agreement
Features and capabilities
The versatile modern studio is also an eye-catching design element
Lighting solutions, wall panel tones, shelves, plant boxes – these are just a few examples of how to give the studio desired effects.
Soundproof wall modules consist of up to eight different layers.
For the complete solution Rw = 35-43 dB.
Plant boxes are simple to move around.
BONN Studio’s scientifically developed indoor acoustics ensure optimal sound attenuation.
The interior surfaces are covered with luxurious Acusto sound-absorbing plywood panels. The Acusto panel guarantees the best conditions for private conversations and video and telephone calls. Unlike wool boards, Acusto panel is also suitable for people with allergies, because it does not emit wool or cotton dust.
Sound insulation Rw = 35 to – 43 dB. (Requested special solutions are also possible).
At development we have taken into account: light therapy, directed movement of airflows, controllability of airflow according to the number of people in the room.
If desired, it is possible to add various integrated electronic and smart devices.
The designed studio is made of environmentally friendly materials. Inner and outer surfaces have been oiled to ensure good durability.
There are over 50 different oil tones to choose from. In the event of damage, oiled birch plywood can be easily restored.
Oiled surfaces can be easily refreshed in the future.

BONN Studio is reusable & portable.
Finished elements are installed in a minimum of time.
The installation of the elements is noise and dust free.
The door handle – right or left – can be coordinated during the ordering process.
Shelves, tables, racks as well as plant boxes can be integrated.